Are You Playing Online Rummy With Robots or Real Players?
Robots or machines are far superior and faster, wiser than most human beings. If you wonder what makes them so deadly accurate and spot on, here’s your answer. Firstly, they are programmed to execute specific but often repetitive tasks that might be cleaning floors, forecasting the weather or even playing a guitar. Humans are prone to errors and can never be 100% sure of anything we do. Our practice is like self-taught programming classes that most of us enrol into frequently. Robots are equipped with chips to help them execute a task that they recognize. All possible outcomes are fed into the robot and specific actions are called. Robots can imitate real life actions and can even play games. When you play a game on the computer, you are essentially playing against a robot. Even multiplayer games can employ robots or artificial intelligence. Robots or simply bots are employed on playing online rummy.
Robots Are Brutal
Rummy is a game of skills, where one needs to master crafts like remembering the sequence and card manipulations. These require acumen, which is acquired with practice and constant exercise (for humans). Not everybody is born mathematically inclined, but with practice and patience, almost everyone can be a skilled player. Computers have predefined set of instructions that hardly make any error; all the lines of codes and algorithms are executed flawlessly every single time. The latest advancements in the technology have even made them faster, and they have the best possible moves. Players should always remember that any given move on a rummy table by a robot is well analysed, studied and nothing is ever left to luck.
Low Winning Chances
Playing Games of rummy against humans have multiple dynamic variables that contribute immensely towards making the game exciting or more human. Let’s take another scenario of cricket. Do you think that Hawk-Eye is cool? It did make a game more accurate by eliminating human errors from the equation, but sometimes the factor of excitement fades.
Similarly, online rummy is about the skill a human mind can develop, and playing it brings out the best. The pressure of time, nervousness and decision-making ability all get tested. The winning does matter a lot, but the enjoyment also carries an entertainment quotient that can only be felt by a human, not by a machine.
Why Play with Humans
Choose an online rummy operator which has a No Robots policy. There are multiple advantages of it.
Your chances of winning at the game will increase as you are not competing against machines that are always playing the game with perfection
You will enjoy the game with much ease. All the unnecessary pressure will vanish away; obviously the degree of competition against humans is always manageable but with robots you will not stand a chance
“The game has always been about strengthening the social bond among humans, not with machines”
Playing card games is an art and online rummy is the masterpiece of this. It is a game invented by humans for humans and can be best enjoyed by humans. We don’t want to dilute this epic gaming culture of our country by the over involvement of robots.