Understand the Importance of DROP in Online Rummy!
If you are a passionate lover of rummy game, you already are aware of the importance of keeping a low score. It is the quickest way to conclude a game victoriously. While it is important to maintain a low score at all times, there can be instances where reducing the points may seem like an impossible feat. The best choice in such situations is to simply drop the game. Knowing when to opt for the drop option is a rummy strategy in itself, and can be utilised to exit a game gracefully than putting up a fight even when you are sure of a loss. Let us try to understand the importance of this saviour for rummy lovers, and how it can benefit you, especially while playing rummy games with real cash.
What makes the ‘Drop’ so important in rummy?
Before proceeding to its importance, let’s first have a look at the two choices a rummy player has while choosing to leave a game. The first is to opt for an initial drop, which means to leave before playing your first turn. An initial drop costs 20 points, but is beneficial in situations when a favourable hand has not been dealt out. You can opt for an initial drop if you have got a lot of high-value cards that cannot be arranged into sequences, no joker cards or no sequential cards.
The second choice is to opt for a middle drop, wherein you’ll lose 40 points by leaving the game in between. The Middle Drop is great for situations where you know that despite giving your best effort, you cannot win the game. It is a smart move when you are about to lose by a lot of points, especially at a high-value table. For example, you are playing a game of Points Rummy, with each point valuing at Rs 20. The game is going well, but you suddenly make a grievous mistake and realise you’ll definitely lose by 90 points. In this situation, you must opt for a middle drop and bear a loss of only Rs 800 (40 points * 20 Rs each) rather than losing Rs 1800 (90*20). In this way, you can save Rs 1000, which can be further utilised to play another game.
The drop also comes handy while playing a game of Pool Rummy. As you already know, the game constitutes multiple rounds, and the winner is the one who can stand till the end with the least points in hand. So, anytime you feel like losing with more than 40 points, dropping from the game can help secure your position on the table. Another way in which the Drop option comes handy is when you have just joined a table, and suddenly some other important task comes up. Instead of just leaving the game on autoplay, opt for the Initial Drop, and save yourself from a potential loss.
Summing Up
The option to drop out of a game proves to be helpful in extremely unfavourable situations. But like any other rummy strategy, this too needs to be used wisely. You can’t just leave the game anytime you are about to lose. Instead, if you are deft in your rummy skills, then it is best to try and grab a win even with the toughest of hands, follow right strategy submissive or aggressive according to situation. Choose this option, only when there is no other way out. Play wisely, practice with passion, and within no time, you will be able to enjoy like a true rummy pro.
Happy Gaming!